There’s A Lot Going On at the Garboushian
Amidst the tumble of art galleries in Los Angeles, one gem is making its name, rising to the top. Currently featuring Claudio Parducci with new exhibitions along the way, the Garboushian Gallery in Beverly Wilshire is making a name for itself as the place to be in Modern Art.
Claudia Parducci’s EMERGENCY, Keep on fridge exhibition was an amusing and slightly dark poke at the paranoid undercurrents that have become a necessity in our society. Showcasing her creative nature through many media, Parducci’s most recent collection is a joy to take in. But Parducci’s exhibition has to leave before its time, as the Garboushian Gallery now has a couple of newcomers to make space for.
Kate Johnson’s photographic exploration into the finite infinity in her part of Garboushian’s coming exhibition, More Than Or Equal To Half Of The Whole, takes the photographic medium through a confounding journey of everything and that being nothing. On the other hand, working with truly infinite spaces, Siri Kaur’s exploration through the cosmos, real and unreal makes an excellent counterpoint, reassuring our non-importance in the grander scheme while playing on the pertinence of our limited perception of reality. The Johnson-Kaur joint exhibition is scheduled to begin on January 15th and run through February 12th.
Also on the event horizon at the Garboushian is a large place at the Los Angeles Art Show at the LA Convention Center starting January 19th. So there’s a lot going on at the Garboushian, and if you’re an art lover, you’d mistake to miss.
Enjoy Claudia Parducci’s EMERGENCY, Keep on fridge on now at the Garboushian through January 12th. It’s an exhibition you must (as always) experience in person, so have a look while you still can. Then swing by Beverly Wilshire later in the month to see Kate Johnson and Siri Kaur’s the juxtaposition of More Than Or Equal To Half Of The Whole – two completely different perceptions of opposite realities explored through the same medium. And don’t forget to stop in to the Garboushian booth at the 2011 Los Angeles Art Show!