Posts Tagged ‘diamonds’

Durnell Launches the De Novo Collection

Wednesday, November 26th, 2008

That brilliant high-fashion jewelry designer Bridget Durnell is at it again, with a new collection launched on her Web Site in time for the Holidays.  De Novo perfectly sums up the “Diamonds and Jeans” philosophy that Bridget so enjoys.

Bridget Durnell announces the De Novo Collection, available for viewing at

Bridget Durnell announces the De Novo Collection, available for viewing at

“De Novo is about new, fresh looks at classic designs.”  Durnell is all about timeless, and the way she incorporates high class into everyday living makes for a chic, confident style that reflect as well as images of Audrey Hepburn do- thirty years or three hundred years on.

Keep an eye out of the launch of a couple of other new Collections before the year is out!  For more, go to

Medawar Fine Jewelers Donates to the Community!

Wednesday, September 24th, 2008

Robert Medawar donates a MotoGP-themed Tissot Watch to Auction for CharityRobert Medawar of Medawar Fine Jewelers in Palos Verdes donated a beautiful MotoGP-themed Tissot Watch to be auctioned off at the Palos Verdes Concours d’Elegance.  Pictured here are Robert Medawar, holding the watch in its MotoGP Replica Helmet Case and the lucky new owner.

As if by divine intervention, shortly after the watch won big money in the auction, the Concours Ralley organizers announced Robert and co-driver Sheila as this year’s winners!

Robert Medawar came to WSmad looking for a site to match his beautiful new store.  We’ve come to a design that he’s pleased with; we’ll be building out an implementing over the next month or two.

Because you’re here, we’ll give you a little tiny sneak peak.  Hint:  It’s gonna be good.  Check out the new theme, just a splash page at the moment –